Particle-Resolving Simulations of Sediment Transport
The fundamental understanding and predictive modeling of sediment transport have important implications for coastal engineering and for earth surface science. However, such efforts are hindered by the complex dynamics with a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. To address such challenges, we develop novel algorithms and advanced computational tools for particle-resolving simulations, where the motions of, and collisions among, the sediment particle as well as their interactions with surrounding turbulent flows are resolved.
R. Sun and H. Xiao. SediFoam: A general-purpose, open-source CFD-DEM solver for particle-laden flows with emphasis on sediment transport. Computers and Geosciences, 89, 207-219, 2016.
R. Sun and H. Xiao. Diffusion-based coarse graining in hybrid continuum–discrete solvers: Theoretical formulation and a priori tests. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 77, 142-157, 2015.
R. Sun and H. Xiao. Diffusion-based coarse graining in hybrid continuum–discrete solvers: Applications in CFD-DEM. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 72, 233-247, 2015.
R. Sun and H. Xiao. CFD-DEM simulations of current-induced dune formation and morphological evolution. Advances in Water Resources, 92, 228-239, 2016.
H. Xiao and J. Sun. Algorithms in a robust hybrid CFD-DEM solver for particle-laden flows. Communications in Computational Physics, 9(2), 297-323, 2011.